On March 5, a new project from Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter "SPE FRANKLY" debuted. The project is a comfortable platform where students communicate with invited specialists and professionals on a free topic, touching on the main issues of interest to them. The main objective of the project is a conversation in the "no ties" format with specialists and discussion of various topics, not limited to the oil and gas industry. Questions of career development for young professionals, topics of concern to the whole world, and much more – our participants do not leave without attention to any interesting aspect.

On Friday, March 5, the first meeting within the framework of the new project was held with the guests – the heads of the company "NBI Engineering" LLC: General Director Bogdan Shatunov, Head of the Department of digitalization of the Fuel and Energy Complex Ivan Korepin and leading specialist of the development Department Andrey Katasonov. 17 students from Gubkin University took part in the conversation. The meeting was held in an online format.

During the meeting, the students were told about the main direction in which the company specializes, listed the technologies used in the NBI, and also answered all the students' questions. Participants and invited experts discussed the prospects of digitalization of fuel and energy complex production, as well as whether digital models of enterprises will be in demand. Besides, an important issue that was given special attention was the issue of the capacity of the labor market for specialists in the field of digitalization. It is important to note that the representatives of the company spoke about the opportunities for practical training and employment for students of our university, as well as shared the view of managers on the hired employees and expressed their opinion about the important qualities of applicants, which are primarily paid attention to by employers.

As the participants noted, the meeting was easy and relaxed, and most importantly – it was very interesting and useful for future graduates of Gubkin University.



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